Monthly Archive for August, 2009

Jumping Out Of The Pool…

Every once in a while someone ‘thinks’ of doing something out of the ordinary that is worthy of consideration if only out of intrigue. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME KIDS and DON’T PRACTICE actually doing it on the edge of the pool – try to jump to get your feet out of the water […]

#1 Key To Success: Know Your Outcome

#1 Key To Success: Know Your Outcome. This 43 second YouTube video graphically illustrates the importance of knowing what you’re aiming for!

Pilates Video

Last week, I explained how I increased my speed, agility and quickness with a 5-minute Pilates exercise… An exercise I promised to show you. Here it is. It’s self-explanatory – enjoy! This is compliments of Bruce Hildebrand – B.App.Sc.(HM) Bruce is co-director of Balance & Control Pilates Studio in Melbourne and Consultant Strength Coach to […]

Pilates Preparation For Greater Agility, Quickness and Speed

Squash is one of the fastest sports that relies on agility, quickness and speed. Agility to move to different places on the court, quickness to react to changing situations shots and opponent tactics and speed to actually get to the ball. With this in mind, a friend and Pilates specialist Bruce Hildebrand of offered […]

Inspirational Video

If you are ever feeling low on energy or self-motivation, watch this video. It will revitalise, re-energise and replenish your soul and spirit to stop feeling sorry for yourself. I watch it every few months to keep raising my own bar and self-expectation… Enjoy!