This 1-minute video conveys an important motivational mantra: “When you see your limits, you see your limits change”. That’s because you can’t change something you can’t see. Elite and High Performance athletes also know from Deliberate Practice Principles; you can’t improve something you don’t measure. Measurement in goal setting starts by being AWARE of the […]
Tag Archive for 'Motivation'
I don’t care what some might think of him as a person with his personal relationship challenges, I leave that for others to debate. His work ethic is legendary. What’s amazing is how FEW people know his total commitment to doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to achieve his outcome(s)… And he has done it SEVERAL TIMES […]
I know you always look forward to the antimimeticisomorphism series of blog posts, this one won’t disappoint.
I took this photo at the start of a road trip from Sydney to Brisbane in 2009. Monica and I thought we’d drive up the coast at least once. It was a great trip – especially with the top down all the way there and back! This photo vividly illustrates my signature sign off “Onward […]
#1 Key To Success: Know Your Outcome. This 43 second YouTube video graphically illustrates the importance of knowing what you’re aiming for!
I am often asked where I get my drive, determination and motivation. I have to be honest with you that it has now become second nature to me to get and STAY motivated. I’ll give you a simple example. Friends of mine from sent me this YouTube video that has very positive anchors for […]
There’s an expression in boxing that says when you reach beyond your comfort zone, you’re “punching above your weight” which means you pack a punch like someone who’s a lot heavier than you are. Today, I went toe-to-toe with some of my squash partners and the last man standing (with me) stood his ground. We […]