Archive for the 'Squash Tips' Category

Squash Vision Training: STOP Watching The Ball?!?!

In a previous post, I addressed the controversial idea of NOT watching the ball, but focusing on your opponent HITTING the ball and LOOKING where and how he/she hits the ball ON HIS/HER STRINGS. Today’s exercise, also based on Deliberate Practice Principles shifts your focus to WHAT SHOT you EXPECT your opponent to hit BEFORE […]

How to make a slippery squash racket grip not slippery – GREAT HACK

Bottle Cap Challenge – Squash Version!

We’ve all seen the Bottle Cap Challenges, so we thought we’d join in and bring squash into the mix!

How to protect your toes in your runners

If you’ve ever stubbed your toe(s) in your running shoes, you’ll definitely want to watch this short video.

Infographic Highlighting Squash Practice Etiquette Released


Commonwealth Games Infographic launched

The East Coast Squash Academy recently launched a colourful Commonwealth Games Infographic…. Have a look!    

September 13th

For some, the number 13 is unlucky, not for me. In fact it’s a very special number. When it comes to sports psychology, there is a fine line between rituals and superstitions and what I call “routines” for success. The former create a false sense of certainty (with no benefit) whereas well designed “routines” significantly […]

Minutes make a difference

If you weren’t sure if practicing makes a difference, here is an interesting chart showing that minutes make a difference. Of course if you are going to practice, you need to use Deliberate Practice techniques to make sure you are improving while you are practicing. Practice does NOT make perfect – Practice makes permanent. Only […]

Turning negative self talk into positive affirmations

Negative self talk is hard to stop, but at least now you have a fun way to stop it! Sports psychologists have known for decades that the mind can: Only have one thought at a time and It cannot focus on the REVERSE of an idea or thought. What that means if you are a […]

Negative Self Talk: Stop It!

I recently presented mental toughness strategies at the East Coast Squash Academy‘s Adult Squash camp organised by squash professional Aaron Frankcomb at Willoughby Squash Club in Sydney. Attended by a wide range of squash players, it became quite obvious that squash is a very demanding sport physically and technically where attention to stroke execution, shot […]