Monthly Archive for March, 2009

Concentration Of Focus

Most people who are not very good at a sport simply have not invested the necessary time to MASTER the basics. I spent an hour on the court tonight hitting ONLY deep backhand lobs. That was the ONLY stroke/drill that I did. I must have hit the ball +/- 1,000 times. “Perfect Practice Makes Perfect” […]

Try Punching Above Your Weight

There’s an expression in boxing that says when you reach beyond your comfort zone, you’re “punching above your weight” which means you pack a punch like someone who’s a lot heavier than you are. Today, I went toe-to-toe with some of my squash partners and the last man standing (with me) stood his ground. We […]

Deliberate Practice

If you’re serious about improving at your sport (mine’s squash) you need to start practicing and training deliberately. Deliberate practice is a concept that you’ll hear a lot more about in the next few weeks and months. Anders Ericsson, an expert in Expertise and Expert Performance is the world’s penultimate specialist in this field of […]

Play to force your opponent to make an unforced error

If you’re an avid squash player, you know that one of the best ways to improve is to play with multiple players on the court at once. 4 or 5 players is manageable, 6 or more there is too much time lost waiting to get into the rotation. I’ll talk about this multi-player strategy in […]

Serious Athletes BEWARE!

In the March issue of Men’s Health Magazine, I came across this interesting statistic of injuries for every 1,000 hours of training. This is something to be aware of. The stats don’t lie. SOMEONE is going to get hurt – it’s inevitable… Of course the exponential mindset is SOMEONE will get hurt – hopefully SOMEONE […]