When we left off in the previous blog post, Jeff and Harry were overheard in the squash club locker room. Just as Jeff and Harry were finishing their conversation, the door to the locker room bursts open and in walks David Frickin Goggins. David: Hold on, I thought I heard my name being thrown around […]
Tag Archive for 'Deliberate Practice'
Jeff: Yo Harry, why you think you lost the match yesterday mate? Harry: I was feeling buggered mate, didn’t get much shut-eye last night. Jeff: Yeah, same here, I was pretty knackered too. But that ain’t no excuse, you know what the best players do? Harry: What’s that? Jeff: They practice deliberately, even when they’re […]
Not every little thing makes a BIG DIFFERENCE, but when you combine several of them, they ALL add up, EXPONENTIALLY/GEOMETRICALLY. The examples below are NOT related to each other. They’re provided as fantastic examples of how EXPERTS share their Detailed Distinctions for anyone interested in Deliberate Practice Principles. This is last example is the best […]
We’ve all heard the saying “Perfect Practice Makes Perfect“, but until recently, it wasn’t clear WHY it had such a powerful and long-lasting effect on our brains. All competitive athletes understand the concept of Muscle Memory, but the reality is it’s Mental Memory that creates the instantaneous and autonomic reflexes that make champions. This is […]
We know from the Deliberate Practice Principles of champions that having a coach is a must. The video below is from a GREAT online table tennis coach Ping Sunday’s EmRatThich. These qualities apply to coaches for all sports. China’s table tennis coaches are world-renown for their excellence and the reason their players and team (still) […]
If you weren’t sure if practicing makes a difference, here is an interesting chart showing that minutes make a difference. Of course if you are going to practice, you need to use Deliberate Practice techniques to make sure you are improving while you are practicing. Practice does NOT make perfect – Practice makes permanent. Only […]
Many business people want “success” to be more ‘cerebral and complex’… When it’s not. Just keep thinking about how you achieved at a sport and developed mastery – without clarity and concentration of focus, it’s IMPOSSIBLE. Everyone wants to think champions are “born” and that talent is a god-given gift. It’s not. It’s pure hard […]
I often tell people it’s wise to “take 1 step back to take 2 steps forward”, but it’s rare those who actually follow through. The reason is that the brain operates with what academics call “positive intent“. The brain’s desire to please itself here and now rather than later on. It’s a complex psychological force […]
If you’re serious about improving at your sport (mine’s squash) you need to start practicing and training deliberately. Deliberate practice is a concept that you’ll hear a lot more about in the next few weeks and months. Anders Ericsson, an expert in Expertise and Expert Performance is the world’s penultimate specialist in this field of […]