I had breakfast with someone recently who was surprised that I said I wasn’t aiming to be a World Masters Champion and that it wasn’t a self-defeating prophecy. I had to explain that I couldn’t afford the opportunity cost and that in the overall scheme of things ‘no one cares’ about a Gold Medal in my desk drawer.
That being said, I explained that my goals have been to get in the ‘Top 100’ last year, I made the ‘Top 50’. This year I am aiming for the ‘Top 32’ and the year after that, the ‘Top 16’. That is where I think I will reach my maximum skills and fitness —> That I am willing to create and invest in.
Sure, I could stop working, get myself a coach, a dozen players to train and WIN a World Championship, but what would I do the day after that?
What would it have cost me?
What would be the point?
I have a big ego, but not THAT big.
I also have an equally big INTELLECT (a.k.a. a brain that stills works).
I reckon that I can reach the TOP 16 in the world AND not get injured OR create any long-term damage to my body AND be fit, heathly and vitally strong AND be professionally and financially successful AND enhance my personal/romantic relationship AND expand my ‘inner circle’ of friends…
As you might know, my mission in life is “to continue living my dream and empower others to do the same“.
My dream is to become the best ‘me’ I can be. That means “I can have it all”.
I don’t want ONE thing at the cost of everything else.
If I do end up winning a World Championship, trust me – I’ll take it!
But my goal, my outcome is NOT uni-dimensional. It’s multi-dimensional BECAUSE that’s what I’m all about – life is an adventure, a journey that isn’t and should never be about juts ONE thing.
It should be about living a FULL-FILLING LIFE.
Anyway, that’s my outcome/goal/result/reward I want.
I am having a BLAST as I happily achieve rather than achieving to be happy.
I just wanted you to know – so you can appreciate a different, antimimeticisomorphic perspective on ‘winning’.
I’ll tell you about an experience of lifetime I had this week with someone I consider to be a ‘World Champion of his life even though he only reached #7 in the world in squash…’ In my esteem, he’s ‘World #1 in inspiration, leadership, tenacity and excellence of leading by example’.
More about him in an upcoming blog post.
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