Tag Archive for 'Save Money'

Buy Nothing Day is Saturday November 27 2010

Buy Nothing Day is your special day to unshop, unspend and unwind. Relax and do nothing for the economy and for yourself – at least for a single day. Can you really buy absolutely nothing for just one day? You might say “Sure!” but can you ACTUALLY go one whole day without transacting ANY business? […]

Antimimeticisomorphism: The Modern Piggy Bank Account

Have you ever collected spare change in a jar or piggy bank? Well guess what? There’s a high tech way to do it now. Many banks and credit unions will top up your purchases on your credit card to a selected savings account – automatically. If you buy something for $10.73, the 27 cents are […]

97% Off Your Grocery Bill?…

Even though saving coupons is much more prevalent in the United States than it is in Australia or Canada, this short video shows how someone with concentration of focus can achieve extra-ordinary results like save 97% of the grocery bill. It’s a short video that explains how she does it. I challenge you to watch […]