These images were sent to me by Christine Lenghaus in Victoria. I think there are brilliant and funny. When you come across anything like this, please forward it to me and I’ll make sure I share it with as many people as possible! This blog is all about sharing personal strategies to get life-work balance. […]
Monthly Archive for December, 2010
You never know who’s sitting next to you… This inspirational video was sent to be by Ioho de Beer – it’s topical for the holiday season. It reinforces the positive force that’s out there, making a difference in the world. One shopping experience at a time!
Along with the emotional toll of divorce, separating couples often face financial devastation. But there may be a simple way to avoid both – put more time in at the coalface. A new study by the Melbourne Institute found men who work long hours are no more likely to put their marriage at risk than […]
Can you believe this was all found money? That’s right, just sitting there on the ground, ready to be picked up. Hundreds of dollars. My father-in-law is the one with the “eagle eye” for coins and even bills that no one else seems to see! It just proves once again… “You get what you focus […]
New Year’s Resolutions… they are aspirational, yet often vague and almost always corrective. People promise to spend more time with family, get fit, lose weight, quit smoking, reduce debt, consume less alcohol… yet just end up cataloguing the failings of the past year. As with most customs, New Year’s Resolutions are observed in gesture only, […]
This is one of the many emails I get that illustrates how the strategies I teach are so simple, yet so effective. Hi Marc, Just had to share with you. The RPM/Gap Management session we did on Wed has got me so focused. And those plastic files, so simple BUT what a difference – I’m […]