Archive for the 'Antimimeticisomorphism' Category

Doing The Thing

This 51-second video about NOT DOING THE THING is a fantastic reminder you can come back to whenever you or someone close to you gets off track with their goals.

Espresso Display – one of my 2025 products of the year declared in January?

I recently bought an Espresso Pro portable screen/display, the 4K 17” Pro. It’s manufactured in Australia and it shows. It’s FRICKIN’ GORGEOUS. As a lifelong Mac user, that says a lot. What I didn’t realise when I bought it was the power of Espresso Flow, a FREE app that works on Mac and Windows and does […]

3 ways to deal with problems

The first way to deal with problems is: PERFORMANCE. This means learning the best way to deal with each and every problem as it occurs. Reactively, and with as much effort as required. Imagine you have a bus to catch to get to work – Performance is being in great shape to run, really fast […]

Antimimeticisomorphism: Visualising Rhythm

Antimimeticisomorphism is all about trying NEW things to get BETTER results. Today’s video is ideal for the Visual learner to SEE how rhythm ‘works’… IKR? Amazing!

Antimimeticisomorphism: Artistic Maps

Antimimeticisomorphism is a mindset. Seeing and then doing things that are different not for the sake of it, but to create something new, more valuable, interesting. A great example are these artistic maps by Ed Fairburn. Simply amazing. Thinking antimimeticisomorphically has many advantages and benefits. One huge, life-changing benefit is achieving more of your goals […]

Antimimeticisomorphism: Infinite Art

I love to see creative people constantly redefining what’s possible in such fun ways! If you have a New Year’s Resolution to learn something new, be more creative or artistic, have a look at My Best Year Ever Program.

Antimimeticisomorphism: Furniture Design

This is amazing furniture where function and design collide to create moving works of art! Thinking antimimeticisomorphically has many benefits. One life-changing advantage is achieving more of your goals or New Year’s Resolutions by approaching the task systematically over the full year instead of just sitting down once and writing a list on a piece […]

Just Start! (Motivational Video)

No goal is ever accomplished without starting. No dream is ever achieved without starting. No journey is ever reached without starting. Nothing is ever finished without starting. No New Year’s Resolution is ever ticked without starting. So just start. Now. Today. Right now. It’s only 4 minutes…

Antimimetisomorphism: Look Up To Instantly Feel Less Tired

I wonder if this actually works… I think it works, but not sure if it’s just the Placebo Effect. Give it a go and respond with a comment below.

Need some motivation?

Listen to this commencement speech and you’ll understand what it takes to change the world, YOUR WORLD.