That is a saying I overheard recently that is so powerful it’s all I really have to say. Think about what your means are and if you’re living at, below or above them. Then think about your needs – what are they really? Are they reasonable? Excessive? Low? High? I teach a concept called Voluntary […]
Archive for the 'How To Save Money' Category
Do you think you know a lot about money? Maybe you do. Maybe you don’t. But let’s see if any of the following facts are in any way surprising to you: More of our fantasies are about money… than sex. If we could have any luxury in the world (and money didn’t matter) more of […]
Dai Haifei, a 24-year-old architect in Beijing, China, found an ingenious solution to live rent-free. He built himself a mobile egg-shaped house that is powered by the sun. The 6-foot-high structure, which is small enough to fit on a sidewalk, is made of bamboo strips, wood chippings, sack bags, and grass seed that’s expected to […]
Can you believe this was all found money? That’s right, just sitting there on the ground, ready to be picked up. Hundreds of dollars. My father-in-law is the one with the “eagle eye” for coins and even bills that no one else seems to see! It just proves once again… “You get what you focus […]
Buy Nothing Day is your special day to unshop, unspend and unwind. Relax and do nothing for the economy and for yourself – at least for a single day. Can you really buy absolutely nothing for just one day? You might say “Sure!” but can you ACTUALLY go one whole day without transacting ANY business? […]
Have you ever collected spare change in a jar or piggy bank? Well guess what? There’s a high tech way to do it now. Many banks and credit unions will top up your purchases on your credit card to a selected savings account – automatically. If you buy something for $10.73, the 27 cents are […]