Archive for the 'Motivation' Category

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What makes a great coach

We know from the Deliberate Practice Principles of champions that having a coach is a must. The video below is from a GREAT online table tennis coach Ping Sunday’s EmRatThich. These qualities apply to coaches for all sports. China’s table tennis coaches are world-renown for their excellence and the reason their players and team (still) […]

When you see your limits, you see your limits change

This 1-minute video conveys an important motivational mantra: “When you see your limits, you see your limits change”. That’s because you can’t change something you can’t see. Elite and High Performance athletes also know from Deliberate Practice Principles; you can’t improve something you don’t measure. Measurement in goal setting starts by being AWARE of the […]

All Champions ‘Do’ New Year’s Resolutions

If there is one thing ALL champions ‘do’ is New Year’s Resolutions, in one form or another. They know you either plan to fail or fail to plan. Champions also know the importance of self-motivation. When facing the new year ahead, Arnold’s video is my go-to source of inspiration and aspiration as I create my […]

Every Millimetre Matters

We all need a boost of motivation from time to time. This ad is a great source of inspiration when you just want to reach deep down and push yourself just a bit further.  

Mamba Forever

It’s what you do in the dark that will put you into the spotlight

Michael Phelps is the GOAT of swimming… His records are legendary. The video below is a must-watch to understand what it takes to be a true champion. If you are not “winning” in your personal, professional or athletic life, you might want to ask yourself a few questions: Do you have a goal or dream […]

Bottle Cap Challenge – Squash Version!

We’ve all seen the Bottle Cap Challenges, so we thought we’d join in and bring squash into the mix!

Arnold Schwarzenegger 2018 – The speech that broke the Internet – You can’t NOT be inspired after watching this!

I don’t care what some might think of him as a person with his personal relationship challenges, I leave that for others to debate. His work ethic is legendary. What’s amazing is how FEW people know his total commitment to doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to achieve his outcome(s)… And he has done it SEVERAL TIMES […]

‘Dream Crazy’ and the mindset of a champion

The second element of Exponential Mindset Thinking is: “Today’s dreams are the foundation of tomorrow’s reality” – Dr Marc Dussault Nike’s new ad campaign speaks to this – LOUD AND CLEAR…!

Serena Williams – US Open Inspiration

As a coach, I can talk about visualisation until I’m blue in the face… This video of Serena Williams hammers it home superbly.