Tag Archive for 'Results'

Make $500,000 in one weekend impossible?

This weekend, I’ve been on e-mail with a friend who’s struggling to have a breakthrough at work and I told him this story which I just had to share with you. It’s how I made $500,000 in one weekend back in 1988. it was Victoria Weekend, May 21, 22 and 23. I started my first […]

“As a man thinketh, so is he”

If you haven’t read the classic book by James Allen, “As A Man Thinketh” published in 1937, you simply must get it and read it. It’s available for FREE as a PDF on the Internet although I would recommend you go out and actually buy the book – it’s a source of inspiration that I […]

Outcome versus Reward

This is a really tough distinction to explain. The statistics are shocking. Only 7% of the population knows the OUTCOME they are trying to achieve, leaving a whopping 93% partially or totally clueless. Add to that the confusion between the OUTCOME and the REWARD. Recently, I had a conversation with an Internet Marketing enthusiast who […]

Marc Dussault’s Personal Mastery Blog Launched!

Yes it’s here – my Personal Mastery Blog! I know quite a few of you were wondering when it would happen… After all I have a Business Mastery Blog an Internet Mastery Blog and a Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort Blog… Why not add the PERSONAL component to triangulate the […]