Outcome versus Reward

This is a really tough distinction to explain.

The statistics are shocking. Only 7% of the population knows the OUTCOME they are trying to achieve, leaving a whopping 93% partially or totally clueless.

Add to that the confusion between the OUTCOME and the REWARD.

Recently, I had a conversation with an Internet Marketing enthusiast who when I asked what his OUTCOME was, responded “I want to drive a BMW and fly Business Class”.

That’s the REWARD of the OUTCOME, NOT the OUTCOME he needs to aim for.

The OUTCOME is what you want to achieve, the REWARD is what you end up with ONCE you have achieved it.

That’s a big part of the problem people have – they are focused on the wrong target.

There is no question that focusing on the BMW is motivational, but the REWARD would be a 7 or 8 series instead of a 3 series IF focus actually shifted to the OUTCOME that leads to the REWARD.

For my squash competition, the OUTCOME is for me to play my best and the REWARD is to win games.

In business, I have the OUTCOME to create MORE THAN $20 MILLION in value for my clients and the REWARD will be the profits I take home AFTER my clients have been served and paid me.

Can you see how I wake up in the morning with a completely different mindset?

If your focus is on the REWARD – you’re trying to make as much money as you can and your brain gets confused rather than clear.

You could be confusing your suspects and prospects by offering “Personal training products for 400 pound elite athletes who need to lose weight.”

If you had clarity of OUTCOME, you’d have focus and you’d go full-on with an approach that could be directed toward

  • Elite athletes who are looking for that ONE strategy, tip or technique that can improve their performance by 3, 4 or 5% because they know it would be enough to win more points, games, matches or competitions.


  • The general public who is overweight, but NOT obese, needing and WANTING to lose 20 to 30 pounds within the next 2-3 months without medical supervision and without resorting to short-term ‘crash diets’ but rather creating long-term health habits that become permanent.

I am sure you’ll agree that either one of these strategies can work to give you the REWARD – the issue is that the OUTCOMES are completely different even though the REWARD is essentially the same!

Yeah I know it’s a “conundrum and dilemma wrapped up in a paradox.”

Onward and upward!
Dr Marc Dussault

Australia’s #1 Exponential Growth Strategist


This is not semantics – this stuff is THAT important.

It might take a while, but when you do ‘get it’, it will Unleash The Exponential Potential™ that is within you, waiting to be set free.

If you don’t know your OUTCOME, how can you possibly expect your suspects and prospects to select you and do business with you?!?!

If you are focused on your REWARD – the client has no place in your mind – NONE.

That is one of the reasons you’re not succeeding as much or as quickly as you would like.

2 Responses to “Outcome versus Reward”

  • Ruben & Marta Putrananda

    Hi Marc,

    Thank you for posting this excellent distinction. I now understand it better, as I am one of those people who was not clear on it, and I got the reward mix with the outcome, it is so much clearer now with the examples.


  • Hi Marc

    Thank you for the great post! The difference between outcome and reward goes a long way to enable more people suffering from substance abuse to change their lives for the better.

    In this case, the outcome is to change the identity from an addict to a powerful, healthy person. The reward of the outcome is to live life free from addiction…to live knowing that your life WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN!

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