I was a nerd in high school

You might not know this, but I was a nerd in high school. A total nerd.

I was in the Mac I Computer Club, didn’t play any school sports, didn’t run for class president and was never part of the ‘in group of cool kids’.

What do you call a nerd 10 to 20 years after graduation?

A millionaire.

How does that happen?

It’s either through technical genius or salesmanship.

Guess what? If you’re not born a technical genius, I can’t help you with the first way to become a millionaire, but I can help you with the second…


When I graduated from high school with honours, then went on to Pure and Applied Sciences in College followed by Engineering School, I morphed from a nerd to Geek.

That’s Geek with a capital G.

What’s the difference between a nerd and a geek? A nerd is a ‘stupid’ or unskilled/unknowledgeable geek. A geek is an ‘educated/skilled’ nerd.

I started my professional career as a Technical Support Specialist in Road Design and Surveying, making $26,000 in 1985. Even though that was a LOT more than my fellow classmates who were making $15-18,000, I wanted to make more, a LOT MORE.

That’s when I came across Brian Tracy’s tapes. Yes, they were tapes back then.

I bought his tapes and while I was driving around (20,000 to 30,000 kilometers/year) I listened to them OVER and OVER and OVER again to transform my communication from Geek to PROFESSIONAL SALESPERSON. I listed to them so often, I actually had to replace a few of them because of wear and tear!

The transformation took weeks. Not sure how many, but within one year, I switched into sales and DOUBLED my salary to $52,000 which ‘back then’ was an incredible accomplishment for a 24 year old, it’s like $100,000 today.

I bought more and more tapes and within one year launched my first company that I started with no money down, to building it 3 times faster, with double the industry average sales per employee, with a fraction of the industry’s employee attrition rate while consistently producing twice the profitability of my competitors.

I haven’t made less than $100,000/year for the past 20 years.

My secret for outstanding sales—> Brian Tracy’s Sales Strategies.

Empowernet has just pre-released a classic bundle called “Secrets Of Self-Made Business Millionaires“. The regular price is $117, but when you pre-order by clicking the hyperlink, it’s ONLY $39, saving you a whopping $78 or 65%.

The bundle includes Brian’s Classics:

  1. 21 Great Ways to Start and Build a Successful Business

  2. 21 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Money.

  3. Pump Up Your Profits.

I know you’re thinking this is self-serving, trying to sell you something. Get over it. It’s thirty nine bucks. Plus you’re reading this blog because you want to develop and enhance your PERSONAL MASTERY.

Sales and communications is a KEY PERSONAL MASTERY SKILL. For $39 you’d be a fool to pass this up. I’ve always told people – LONG BEFORE I EVER JOINED EMPOWERNET that Tony Robbins helped me become the best person I can be, Jay Abraham assisted me to become the best business person I can aspire to be and Brian Tracy the best salesperson I can ever dream of being…

If you don’t already know, I retired from the rat race in 2005 at the age of 42. That doesn’t happen by luck. It happens by design. One of the foundational keys to that happening is Brian Tracy’s sales strategies. $39 is an absolute bargain. I paid full price when I bought my tapes – do you think I’m complaining?

Go ahead and buy them now – time is money and with this recession, you need to know how to out-sell your competitors more than ever.

Onward and upward!
Dr Marc Dussault

Australia’s #1 Exponential Growth Strategist


You probably don’t know HOW I was able to build my company 3 times faster, with double the industry average sales per employee, with a fraction of the industry’s employee attrition rate while consistently producing twice the profitability of my competitors.

I used to hold 2-day retreats with my employees. They were marathon sessions. All-day Saturday and all-day Sunday from 9 AM to Midnight – WITH NO PAY. That’s right, I didn’t pay them to attend. We would spend the entire weekend focusing on personal development strategies. We would do this every 3 months, or 4 times/year.

Their reward – PERSONAL GROWTH and the FINANCIAL BONUSES I would pay based on RE$ULT$. One employee DOUBLED his salary in one year and another got a ‘surprise’ $8,000 bonus that made him cry. He thought I made a mistake on the cheque, that it should be $800, but when I told him it was correct, the bonus WAS EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS, he cried and said “I’ve never seen a cheque for that much”. I can use this as the WHOLE down payment on a condo…

It was intense, it was life changing, it was amazing. I miss those days of total intensity and focus.

I made Brian Tracy’s, Tony Robbins’ and Jay Abraham’s strategies available to my team and FACILITATED and MENTORED them as I now do with our Platinum Members. These are people who are still life-long friends.

That is how RE$ULT$ are created. Standing on the shoulders of giants like Brian, Tony and Jay.

We absolutely reveled in it.

Go on and get these classics and transform yourself into the best salesperson you know you can be.

1 Response to “I was a nerd in high school”

  • Hi Marc,

    It’s a great post, I agree that Brian Tracy is the best ‘guru’ in sales. For $ 39 it is definitely a great price to get insight into valuable resources from him. Thank you for making it available for such affordable price.

    I bought the program and can’t wait to listen to it, so I can apply the principles to my website.

    Rainier M. Pancrazio of http://www.goprivatejets.com/

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