Archive for the 'Creativity' Category

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What real friendship is all about

Clear The Mechanism

We often get distracted when trying to focus on a task. The video below from the movie “For Love Of The Game” starring Kevin Costner is a brilliant Personal Productivity Technique to instantly achieve Concentration Of Focus.

Gary Vaynerchuk on Millennials and Procrastination

Gary Vaynerchuck is one of those people who can get away with calling it like it is… This is definitely an in-your-face conversation for all the ‘non-winner snowflakes’ out there!  

Stop It!

When all is said and done, to create a NEW habit, you have to STOP old, bad ones. The video below is the best strategy to STOP ALL YOUR OLD BAD HABITS.

Antimimeticisomorphism – Falling Dominoes

This is only 15,000 dominoes, but it still is MESMERISING! What is antimimeticisomorphic about this is that INSTEAD of trying to break a WORLD RECORD, she decided to make it INTERESTING. It only took her 25 hours to get a BETTER outcome that a world record (7+ million YouTube views). If that’s not a classic […]

Jet Pack Flyers Race An A380

You just have to see these two jet pack flyers take on an Emirates A380 over the skies of Dubai… Amazing!

Antimimeticisomorphism – Sand Fantasy Art

If you’ve never seen this amazing artist… Be amazed by what can be done with sand and a light table!

Inspirational Quote: Montreal gets into the swing of it!

Rules Or Rewards

“We Are Rules OR We’re Rewards” –Dr Marc Dussault A RULE is EVERYTHING that HAS TO HAPPEN to feel X. A reward is what you are aiming to achieve. For example, a mother might have RULES that to be happy (Reward): The house has to be spotless. All the kids are in a good mood […]

Antimimeticisomorphism: Rainwater Cup Mosaic

To raise awareness among the general public about the global clean water crisis, the artist Belo created an image composed of 66,000 cups of colored rainwater simulating levels of impurities found in water all over the planet. This major work of 3,600 square feet, representing a fetus in the maternal womb, emphasizes the necessity of […]