As coaches, we ALL tell beginners to watch the ball because that’s the BASIC skill every player needs to acquire to START PLAYING squash. But here’s the thing… MOST players DON’T watch the ball and what’s worse, they don’t see their opponent HITTING the ball, which is the purpose of watching the ball so you actually LOOK AT your opponent when he/she makes contact and hits the ball (especially when he/she’s behind you).
The quickest way to learn how to STOP WATCHING the ball is to WATCH exactly WHERE your opponent hits the ball on his/her racket strings. If you try and can’t do it in real-time on the court, you can train yourself by watching squash videos in SLOW MOTION.
Watch the video below and focus on WATCHING the EXACT contact point of the ball on EACH PLAYER’S RACKET… It’s a lot harder than it looks (pun intended).
Do this for 5-10 minutes at a time, once a week and you’ll start to “see it on court” a lot more easily and naturally!
This is an example of Deliberate Practice Principles used by world champions and Olympians to achieve results a lot faster than the so-called 10,000 hour rule. If you have a New Year’s Resolution to improve your squash, this is a 1% Improvement you can start to make TODAY.
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