Deliberate Practice Principle: Mental Models to accelerate complex skill acquisition

Deliberate Practice Principles are how World Champions and Olympians consistently out-perform the average elite, competitive player by accelerating their skill acquisition – systematically and predictably.

One of the CORE FOUNDATIONAL principles is the use of Mental Models.

In table tennis, for LONG/FAST serves The Mental Model is NOT about the intended targets (green and yellow) at the RECIPIENT’S end of the table, but the Mental Model of the ball’s intended contact point at the SERVER’S of the table. (Shown in the bottom image on the left).

Having this CLEARLY in mind substantially affects the serve quality and consistency of execution.

Developing this MENTAL approach to training and playing is what will make all the difference in how quickly you acquire ‘specialised skills’.

MENTAL MEMORY practice is just like the physical practice to acquire the MUSCLE MEMORY all competitive athletes are accustomed to.

However, the MENTAL practice means saying it to yourself, SEEING it VISUALLY and in your ‘mind’s eye’… Repetitively, so it becomes AUTONOMIC.

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