5 health goals you should aim for in 2014

Measure Your HealthStaying healthy and fit is not just important so you don’t get in trouble when you visit the doctor. Instead, maintaining a certain level of health helps you live a long life, watch your children grow old and get more out of the time you do spend on this earth.

Now that it’s 2014, what are five health goals you should aim for? Have you included them in your New Year’s Resolutions?

#1 Plan a Realistic Diet

Many diets don’t help people to set realistic goals, and this is a major reason as to why they fail. Some diets want you to eat a ridiculously low amount of calories each day or to completely eliminate one food from your diet. By choosing to participate in one of these plans, you are practically saying you want to fail. Instead, work to craft a diet that integrates a variety of foods and does not leave you starving at the end of the day. If you want to test the latest – easiest diet – try the Fast Diet which means you reduce your caloric intake 2 days out of 7 instead of starving yourself all week long.

#2 Exercise on a Regular Basis

You might roll your eyes or shrug your shoulders when you think about joining the gym again and how crowded it gets at this time of the year. You don’t necessarily need to go to the gym, lift weights and run the treadmill to improve your health. Instead, consider participating in a sport you enjoy or signing up for some exercise classes you always wanted to try out. You could even look for a walking or running group around your community or neighborhood.

#3 Doctor and Dentist Appointments

Certainly, you can take some tips to improve your own health at home, and you might read some books or guides to help you out. However, no matter what, nothing can take the place of advice from a qualified medical practitioner. Let this be the year when you start to see your doctor on a regular basis again for an annual physical exam. You should also set an appointment with a dentist to ensure your teeth stay are and remain in good health. Remember, dental health is related to the overall health of your body and your wellness.

#4 Reduce Stress

Some people start out the year by saying they are going to get rid of all the stress in their lives. However, we are just human beings, and we are always going to have at least a little bit of stress. Instead of setting this unrealistic goal of eliminating all stress or booking the best Chiropedic in Melbourne (or wherever you are), work to reduce its presence in your life rather than trying to eliminate entirely. This might mean you work less hours at work or you let someone else take charge of a major project. Stress can contribute to ailments, make your life significantly less healthy and in extreme cases even kill you.

#5 Know Your Medical History

Confronting diseases that ailed, or even killed, beloved family members is difficult, but you must do so if you want to stay healthy. learn what your family’s medical history is, and start to take steps to help yourself. For example, if breast cancer runs in your family, now is the time to start going for regular examinations. We all know that early detection is the best source of prevention and disease management – but that can’t happen in ignorance.

Let’s face it, without good heath, life becomes much less enjoyable – most ailments and health issues are preventable, but it’s up to you to do something about it… NOW.

This has been a guest post – if you would like to publish on this or any of our other blogs, please contact us.


1 Response to “5 health goals you should aim for in 2014”

  • A great way to exercise is with your dog. They can be a great jogging or walking companion as they need just as much if not more exercise than we do. We get plenty of exercise at Paddington Pups running around with all the dogs all day in Dog Day Care. My dog pushes me to go out and exercise buy sitting at the door begging for it.

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