I just finished the Biography of Steve Jobs – I bought the iBook version and read it on my iPhone (3G, upgraded to the new OS5). I have to admit, the iPhone is a great reading device – with the thin columns, it’s easy to speed read and so convenient to fill in gaps when […]
Tag Archive for 'Steve Jobs'
Here I am in front of my beautiful 27″ iMac and I am still in shock. I can’t believe Steve Jobs died. 56 years old. It’s not fair. The world still needs him. His family still needs him. He did so much good so many. It’s just not fair… I have been blessed with very […]
New year, new life, new destiny. But what destiny do you really want? That’s the question Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO answers with his commencement address at Standford University. It’s worth the 15 minutes to sit back, listen and ponder what you’re doing with yourself and your life in 2010. What I really like about this […]