I have blogged about this before, warning all my readers and subscribers about what’s coming. After visiting China, I am even more convinced than ever… Read on. Interestingly, if you have followed Harry Dent’s predictions, you’d agree that he’s practically a clairvoyant – predicting everything that’s been happening lately – well in advance. I call […]
Archive for the 'Vision and Planning' Category
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Will it be as funny as this one published in The Star. OBITUARY STOCKS, Mary Patricia (nee Morris) —Pat Stocks, 94, passed away peacefully at her home in bed July 1, 2015. It is believed it was caused from carrying her oxygen tank up the long flight of stairs to her bedroom that made her […]
“We Are Rules OR We’re Rewards” –Dr Marc Dussault A RULE is EVERYTHING that HAS TO HAPPEN to feel X. A reward is what you are aiming to achieve. For example, a mother might have RULES that to be happy (Reward): The house has to be spotless. All the kids are in a good mood […]
What 3 words would you say to a new graduate entering the workforce today? I like these challenges because brevity forces clarity of thought (and intent). Provide your contribution as a comment below.
This is from a parody account, one of several on Twitter… But its wisdom is worth sharing here with you. Think about yourself when you were ten, would you be disappointed in the person you are now? Now take that to the next level and ask yourself who you want to become in the NEXT […]
Today’s blog post is a reminder we all need – especially when the new year starts and we’re filled with optimism and hope for things to change. Without wanting to sound heavy-handed, cynical or critical – no one aims to become overweight, fat or obese and yet in the developed world, the statistics are staggering […]
The photo below, from Twitter reminded me that we’re just a few weeks into the new year and most people have already forgotten their New Year’s Resolutions… There are only a FEW people who wake up every morning with this level of enthusiasm and optimism. Click on the image or one of the hyperlinks and […]
As a reader or subscriber to this blog, you know I am an avid proponent of New Year’s Resolutions. One of the challenges you will face is creating NEW HABITS to support your NEW RESOLUTIONS. This presentation, by Matt Cutts is an outstanding example of how one simple idea/concept can make ALL the difference between […]
It”s that time of year, when the calendar ticks down to the end and the new year peeks its nose around the corner, enticing you to “change and improve” in the “new year”… Many make New Year’s Resolutions… But only a few write them down, remind themselves of their commitment on an on-going basis and […]
When it comes to getting better results in your career, your business, your health, wealth, relationships or any domain of life; people love to complicate things for some reason – WHY?!?! Well I’ve got something for you that’s so simple that it’s almost unbelievable. This simple SECRET is used by more than 500+ PEAK PERFORMERS […]