Today’s post is hilarious and totally and absolutely antimimeticisomorphic – Evian hit the big time with this video. Proving once again that having fun, doing out-of-the-ordinary things create extra-ordinary results with the least amount of effort at the lowest cost. This video has been viewed by more than 6 million people – including you. ALL forwarded at NO cost to Evian. Say it with me… Ka-Ching!
Of course as an Exponential Mindset Enthusiast, you know that watching this on my blog means I get your attention for at least 1 minute, increasing my Google rankings and traffic stats – which is FREE for me… That’s why this stuff is TOTALLY exponential. If you want to learn more, go to my Internet Mastery site…
Bu y’know what? The best part is having FUN – you have to smile once you’ve watched this video – that’s my gift to you today…
Spread the word and get people back to this blog post!
By the way, there are other funny videos listed in the antimimeticisomorphism category —>>>
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