Monthly Archive for January, 2025

How to Use Distinctions for Success: A Practical Guide for Small Business Owners

Let’s dive into the concept of distinctions and how they can become a powerful tool for driving success in your business and achieving more of your New Year’s Resolutions. What is a Distinction? A distinction is a specific insight or principle that helps clarify a path to success. Unlike statements of fact or general observations, […]

Do you have a New Year’s Resolution to improve your communication skills?

One of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions is to improve communication skills. You definitely want to avoid Shredding your Similes and Mutilating your Metaphors… He was as tall as a six-foot, three-inch tree.  The revelation that his marriage of 30 years had disintegrated because of his wife’s infidelity came as a rude shock, like […]

Espresso Display – one of my 2025 products of the year declared in January?

I recently bought an Espresso Pro portable screen/display, the 4K 17” Pro. It’s manufactured in Australia and it shows. It’s FRICKIN’ GORGEOUS. As a lifelong Mac user, that says a lot. What I didn’t realise when I bought it was the power of Espresso Flow, a FREE app that works on Mac and Windows and does […]

Self-Sabotage Of New Year’s Resolutions: The Seven Stages

STAGE ONE: The Damage is Done This is the phase where the wheels have already come off the track. You’ve missed the gym for a week, binged on junk food, or skipped journaling for days. At this point, it feels like the resolution is a distant memory. You’re left with frustration, guilt, and a growing […]