Antimimeticisomorphism: Furniture Design

This is amazing furniture where function and design collide to create moving works of art! Thinking antimimeticisomorphically has many benefits. One life-changing advantage is achieving more of your goals or New Year’s Resolutions by approaching the task systematically over the full year instead of just sitting down once and writing a list on a piece […]

A top New Year’s Resolution: Learn a new skill

Every New Year’s millions of people sit down for their annual ritual, writing out their list of resolutions. Things they want to accomplish in the next year. One of the top categories is learning a new skill. But which one should it be? This video lists 10 difficult skills that pay off forever. 10 Difficult […]

Just Start! (Motivational Video)

No goal is ever accomplished without starting. No dream is ever achieved without starting. No journey is ever reached without starting. Nothing is ever finished without starting. No New Year’s Resolution is ever ticked without starting. So just start. Now. Today. Right now. It’s only 4 minutes…

Antimimetisomorphism: Look Up To Instantly Feel Less Tired

I wonder if this actually works… I think it works, but not sure if it’s just the Placebo Effect. Give it a go and respond with a comment below.

Antimimeticisomorphism: How To Ride A Bike

This video is a classic example of antimimeticisomorphism in action – think totally differently about something we all do, ordinarily, ride a bike. The extra-ordinary result is 45+ MILLION views. That’s totally exponential.

It’s that time of year again – Time to make your New Year’s Resolutions

Most people want more from their life than they’re currently getting. I know the feeling, I was at that point more than 20 years ago and stumbled across the concept of New Year’s Resolutions. I did them informally at first and my results improved almost instantly. That’s when I became systematic and even fanatical about them. […]

Warren Buffett reveals how you can increase your net worth by 50%

When one of the richest men in the world says this one thing can improve your net worth by 50%, you have to take notice and listen. What could that one thing be that could make THAT much of a difference? Click here to find out. Life is full of these 1% improvement distinctions – […]

Need some motivation?

Listen to this commencement speech and you’ll understand what it takes to change the world, YOUR WORLD.  

Antimimeticisomorphism: The Speed Of Light Is Slow

Have a look at the amazing animations in this article that show why the speed of light is actually – slow. This is another example of antimimeticisomorphism.    

Simon Sinek on Millennials In The Workplace

Simon Sinek provides a great summary of the conundrum of millennials in the workplace as a follow-on from Gary Vaynerchuk’s perspective on this “lost generation” and procrastination I blogged about recently.