Archive for the 'Inspiration' Category

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Arnold Schwarzenegger 2018 – The speech that broke the Internet – You can’t NOT be inspired after watching this!

I don’t care what some might think of him as a person with his personal relationship challenges, I leave that for others to debate. His work ethic is legendary. What’s amazing is how FEW people know his total commitment to doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to achieve his outcome(s)… And he has done it SEVERAL TIMES […]

‘Dream Crazy’ and the mindset of a champion

The second element of Exponential Mindset Thinking is: “Today’s dreams are the foundation of tomorrow’s reality” – Dr Marc Dussault Nike’s new ad campaign speaks to this – LOUD AND CLEAR…!

Serena Williams – US Open Inspiration

As a coach, I can talk about visualisation until I’m blue in the face… This video of Serena Williams hammers it home superbly.  

Infographic Highlighting Squash Practice Etiquette Released


Listen up babies!

Champions aren’t born, they’re made.

Two secret words to win the British Open Golf Championship

Rory McIlroy looked out at a room packed with reporters and knew he was going to disappoint them. All week, he had talked about two secret words he used as his trigger for the shots he played. Even as he stretched his lead to six shots going into Sunday, he said he would only reveal […]

Every sport has rules or does it?

This video is one of those instances where you can choose a pro or con argument. I will pick the pro argument. What I admire is that he doesn’t stop – he keeps on going – no matter what. That is what I choose to focus on – the perseverance and desire to win.* YouTube […]

Success is a lousy teacher…

…It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. This is true in sport as it is in business and life in general.

Turning negative self talk into positive affirmations

Negative self talk is hard to stop, but at least now you have a fun way to stop it! Sports psychologists have known for decades that the mind can: Only have one thought at a time and It cannot focus on the REVERSE of an idea or thought. What that means if you are a […]

Willoughby Squash – Motivational Messages

If you play squash at Willoughby Squash Club, you’ll notice new motivational messages at the entrance to the men’s and women’s changing rooms. It’s a fantastic reminder to focus on the mental side of the game – inspiring positive thinking and enhancing mental toughness. What additional motivational messages or Words Of Wisdom would you want […]