Yoga class empty, New Year’s Resolutions already forgotten!

At the beginning of the year, I blogged about my yoga class being full because people started their New Year’s Resolutions… We’re not even into March and my yoga class is essentially ’empty’.

There’s no surprise, most people just don’t commit to their goals and therefore never realise their ultimate dreams or destinies.

I used to think it was sad, but no longer.

People who don’t want to commit to any level of discipline aren’t committed enough, don’t want it enough to bother so they haven’t lost anything of value because if it was valuable to them, they’d do something about it… Or so you’d think!

There is nothing wrong with settling for mediocrity – that’s where most people are – the average, the mean, median.

That’s where the NORMAL probability distribution curve’s name comes from.
It’s called NORMAL for a reason.

New Year's Resolutions, Goal Setting, Setting Goals

Normal Probability Distribution Curve

In fact, the curve kinda looks like a few of the people who were in yoga class, lying on their backs, at the beginning of the year… But I digress…

To get extra-ordinary results means you have to do what others aren’t willing to do.

Go to yoga class, go for a run, get to the gym, get on your bike, have a swim… Do something that will get you moving TOWARDS your goal/outcome/dream.

The great news IF you do actually show up and do ‘something’ – is that it gets easier. First of all, like in yoga class – 2/3 of the people are no longer attending. That puts you in the top 1/3 JUST BY SHOWING UP.

Within 3 to 4 weeks (experts claim it takes “21 days” to change a habit) you’ll start to feel, think and act differently – as if by magic.

But y’know what? I won’t waste your time or mine – you know where you’re at.

If you’re at the top end of the probability distribution curve – you’ll click on the hyperlink to determine how to make THIS YEAR YOUR BEST YEAR EVER!

If you’re in the BLUE ZONE of the curve above, all of this falls on deaf ears and you’ll just click away on to another page (if you haven’t already), chase another thought or idea and not following it up with any action.

Don’t worry, you’re in good company – MOST PEOPLE are dabblers. They fool themselves by starting a whole bunch of things, never finishing or following through on any of them so they FEEL like they’re doing something, but it’s all a waste of time, money and effort.

How do you STOP IT?

You know…

You just don’t do it.

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