Manifesting your vision and destiny

Today’s post is courtesy of Sandy Boldiston.

It needs no introduction other than it ‘came to me automatically’… How freaky is that?!?!

Thanks Sandy!

So get to it! Create your vision and new destiny!

If you are technologically challenged, you can collect photos from magazines and create a ‘dream book’ of images…

Whatever you do, BELIEVE this stuff works – because it does!

I am competing at my first World Masters Championships – a thought I manifested YEARS AGO. I can remember the day – that’ll be a post of its own. For now, share with me another ‘dream come true’ for me.

Celebrate it with me, for me AND FOR YOU – pick a dream that is just as audacious as this one was for me…

Pick one that you’d be thrilled to have.

For me, competing at this top level is truly a dream come true. It’s a goal that has kept me focused, fit and healthy for the past several years. I feel at least 10 years younger, stronger and healthier than my birth certificate reflects.

I’m 45 and can wear the same pants I wore 20 years ago. Not many men my age can say that. As we age, it’s a struggle to keep the weight down and stay fit. Having a goal like this has been MORE than enough to keep me disciplined.

Of course the NEXT GOAL is to WIN games and at some point a division or plate…

First the dream, then the reality!

I’m off to play my first match… Wish me luck!

Onward and upward!

Dr Marc Dussault

Australia’s #1 Exponential Growth Strategist


We get what we focus on – the more you focus, the more your chances of getting ‘it’.

You need to do it from a place of authenticity, honesty and integrity. Don’t force it… As Deepak Chopra states:

“Release yourself from the expectation of the outcome so you can tap into a discontinuity gap in the universe to instantly synchronise with a non-local correlation that will trigger a quantum leap of creativity and innovation to help you manifest infinite knowledge and boundless possibilities enabling a conspiracy of improbabilities that create your ultimate destiny.”

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